Neighborhood Camping — Friday March 28, 2025

You are invited to come camping at Murphy's Point for 3 days and 2 nights on our annual neighborhood camping weekend.  We have a potluck on the first night, second night is left-overs and hot dogs over a fire.

Most importantly, we really need to know whether or not you are coming. If you are coming then indicate basically what your potluck is (to avoid those repeats) and how many are coming.  You can change the potluck latter if you need to.  We are at the point where there are more kids than adults. 

Please make your decision soon, we need to reserve the camping sites.

Coming                  Not Coming
  Select Coming
Edward (3) - Kraft Dinner
Anne (5) - Fruit Plate
Charles (2) - Non-lettuce Salad
Henry (5) - Pulled Pork
Louisa (1) - Rice Krispie Squares
Lydia (2) - Watermelon
Families coming: 6
  Select Not Coming
Families not coming: 3